Sunday, October 12, 2014

Post #4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate? 
Sometimes not everyone can read the text that are signs. One thing that everyone can understand are pictures. Icons are simple images that everyone can understand so it is easier for people such as foreigners in another country to find their way or being able to understand certain restrictions within a certain area.

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message.  Post both in this entry and explain your choice. 

This icon is the handicap icon. This graphic shows a person on a wheelchair who would most likely be handicapped. It is seen everywhere such as public buildings and businesses.

These icons are signs used in bathrooms which are also in public buildings and businesses. They help differentiate male and female.

What is the difference between copyright and public domain? 
When a something is being copyrighted, one would need permission to use someone else's work. A public domain does not need permission from the original creator to use their work.

How can you avoid plagiarism in this class?  In other classes?
How I can avoid plagiarism in this class and other classes is to not cheat or to copy someone else's work. If I do plan to take something from another source, such as the internet, I would need to credit them to avoid legal trouble. Especially when quoting an article, it is important to paraphrase or quote their text.

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